mar 3, 2025 - A Dream come true
I was planning on making this post a while ago but never took the time, so fuck it, now I'm doing it.
After soo many years I finally have it, my own Sega Dreamcast, I bought it online in early february.
It's the national model made by Tectoy, so it's kinda rare-ish I guess cus there is no official information of how many where made in Brazil, but it wasn't a popular console here like everywhere else.
It came with a contoller and cables, no VMU, no games and no modem, the latter didn't come with from factory unlike the international models.
Long story short, I had to find a place to buy CD, not a common thing anymore, had to fix my old laptop to burn the discs (easier said than done), and I still need a VMU and a better video cable( it came with RF).
Even though I still need to put some money into it to take it to where I'm satisfied with it, I still feel accomplished for making this dream come true
jan 31, 2025 - Work, Work, Work...
Gosh, I feel demolished by work, this month was just unbearable, E V E R Y O N E wanted something, and they needed now.
Being the only IT guy in the office can be harsh sometimes, staying late just to finish something to someone so they will finally shut up about it.
This made me look at my routine: wake up, work, come back home, study, sleep, repeat.
Continuing selling my soul to the "machine" until I drop dead, welcome to modern life I guess...
jan 2, 2025 - First post
So, I finally managed to make the blog page, kinda unsure if I'll be able to keep this up to date cuz my holidays vacation is almost over (there are already coworkers asking me stuff! 😞).
Moving on... This vacation I watched the first Joker movie (opinion section) to be honest I didn't like it, too much drama padding and basically everything would be fine if he didn't have a gun.
I've also been playing Zelda minish cap and OH BOY how does it feel good to be able to explore those areas that were inaccessible in the beginning, I played a lot when I was a kid, but I didn't even know how to turn into a minish, so I got stuck early on.
Anyway here are some pics of those things running on my psp (didn't know I had a psp? NOW YOU KNOW).
Did you know?
The movie is being streamed from my server to my ps3 and the psp is screen mirroring the ps3, streaming madness!