Site map


Hi! I'm Gimmel

This website is my very own digital place on the internet!
The primary focus of this site is to be a place where a can post things about my interests (gaming, programming, retro computers, that sort of thing).
I still quite unsure how a gonna proceed with this, but I gonna figure it out along the way.
I just ask you, reader, a bit of patience, english isn't my native language, and I'm not very familiar with this web design thing.

My plans for this site

  1. Arcadia news: an news feed about technology and games (just an way to force myself in updating this site frequently)
  2. About page: an place to share some info about myself
  3. resources/software I like: an place where I show some of the programs that I used to make this and some other software that I like
Some old drawing of me


This site is under construction!